POZITRON PLUS 20m – LIVING SPACE (LARGE OFFICE) does not block electromagnetic radiation, but only NEUTRALIZES THEIR PATHOGENIC SPECTRUM, that is why its function does not create any interference with technical devices and wireless technologies. With proper use, its service life is unlimited, and the warranty on the product is 10 years.
Most people are not even aware of the difference between STRENGTH AND PATHOGENICITY OF EM RADIATION. We are witnessing LARGE ASSOCIATIONS OF CITIZENS, who NO LONGER ALLOW STRONG REPEATER OF MOBILE SIGNALS, SATELLITE AND RADAR ANTENNAS, to be installed near their houses and apartments, because after their installation a huge number of people begin to feel numerous health problems, and it is suspected that one of the possible causes of the increased statistics of cancerous diseases, the epidemic of diabetes and hypertension in younger and younger people. What has not been taken into account until now is PATHOGENICITY, which spreads much, much further in space than the STRENGTH OF EMF RADIATION, and cannot be measured with existing measuring instruments. PATHOGENESIS causes numerous health problems, the most common of which are CHRONIC FATIGUE, NOISES IN THE HEAD, VERTIGO, HEADACHE, INSOMNIA, IRRITABILITY AND LOW MOOD.
This can best be explained on the example of PATHOGENIC RADIATION OF REPEATERS (a similar effect is caused by the pathogenicity of wi-fi routers, substations, radars, satellites…) which spreads several hundred meters further than the legally measured STRENGTH. This was very clearly proven by the TEST WITH BEES, which have a much more sensitive vegetative nervous system than humans. At a distance of about 500 meters from 450 hives, a repeater was placed. From the first day, the bees started to behave strangely, they became disoriented, they lived shorter, the productivity of the queens decreased significantly, there were fewer and fewer bees in the hives, the colonies became very weak, the bees became much more aggressive, their swarming instinct increased significantly so that they left their hives en masse. Within a year, honey production fell from 15 tons to less than 6 tons.
When POZITRON PLUS was installed as frequency protection against the pathogenic spectrum of repeater radiation, within 3 months the bee colonies completely recovered, and became even stronger, healthier and more productive than before.
THE HUMAN NERVOUS AND IMMUNE SYSTEM evolutionarily did not have time to adapt to the rapid progress of wireless technologies, and they recognize the pathogenic spectrum of frequencies passing through the human body as a threat. That’s why they work day and night, for weeks, months and years without rest, so they constantly CONSUME A HUGE QUANTITY OF THE ORGANISM’S INTERNAL ENERGY, which sooner or later will exhaust the organism, and this opens the door to chronic fatigue, a drop in immunity and, as a result, numerous physical and psychological health disorders.
POZITRON PLUS 20m – LIVING SPACE (LARGE OFFICE), (size 9×9 cm) – has a radius of protective action of 20 meters in all directions, and its diameter of action is 40 meters. Attach it to the original box, and place the box in the middle of the living or office space on a desk, nightstand, chest of drawers, closet, or floor. This way, you have protected the entire apartment, bedroom, living room, children’s rooms, kitchen – the ENTIRE LIVING OR BUSINESS SPACE!
It even helps in defense against harmful frequencies COMING FROM THE OUTSIDE – the pathogenic spectrum of radiation from repeaters, satellites, satellite and radar antennas, transmission lines, substations, strong neon street lighting, etc.
If YOUR BED or YOUR WORKPLACE is accidentally placed in an “ENERGICALLY VERY BAD PLACE” (a line of underground water flow passes over the bed or workplace, there is a harmful Hartman’s or Curry’s knot, there are sockets and electrical circuits next to the bed (or desk), the proximity of a mobile phone, computer, WI-FI ROUTER, etc.) helps preserve and regenerate the body’s energy, and neutralizes exhausting pathogenic frequencies with INTERFERENCE. Thus, during sleep (or during eight-hour working hours), the energy of the defense forces is not consumed, and thanks to this, far better regeneration and rehabilitation of the organism is possible, as well as better quality sleep and better rest (and during work, more productive work and better concentration). Walls do not bother him, just make sure that he is properly placed on his original box – STAR FACING TO THE NORTH, and that he is at least 30 cm away from the nearest object or wall, so that he can develop his strength and protect the space in a radius of 20 meters. THAT’S HOW YOU PROTECTED THE ENTIRE APARTMENT, ALL THE BEDS, ALL THE ROOMS AND ALL THE PREMISES!
Thanks to the PROGRAMMED FREQUENCIES that lift the mood and fill the space with strong positive energy, it helps in the creation of much better interpersonal relationships in the OFFICE space, helps to have fewer fights, less tension, better work concentration, better mood, and better work results can be expected…
When it is placed in the LIVING SPACE, very quickly many users testify that they notice better relationships with their partner and children, greater calmness and satisfaction of all household members, better sleep and night’s rest, feel stronger body energy, long-term better resistance to diseases and stronger immunity ( there are less frequent colds, less frequent stages of chronic exhaustion, less frequent illness). Conflict situations among family members are much less frequent, children learn better, are calmer, have better concentration, achieve better results in school, pets are noticeably calmer and more satisfied, plants thrive better… Lots of excellent benefits that have come in handy for all of us, especially in this turbulent and unstable times.
POZITRON PLUS 20m – LIVING SPACE (LARGE OFFICE) it is ideal for protecting a large apartment, an entire house, a large office space with several offices, hospitals, polyclinics, doctor‘s offices, psychiatric offices, wellness centers and energy therapies, massage parlors, laboratories, physical medicine and rehabilitation institutions, psychiatric institutions with a lot wards, old people‘s homes, institutions for the care of the elderly and infirm, kindergartens, schools, etc. To protect very large spaces, you should connect two, three or more POZITRONS in series every 20 meters, so entire factory plants can be protected from several hundred meters, entire buildings, large shopping centers, churches, monasteries, school and student dormitories, etc. (or larger units are installed – POZITRON PLUS with a radius of protection of 100 meters, diameter of protection of 200 meters).
POZITRON PLUS HAS SCIENTIFICLY BASED PROOF OF FUNCTIONALITY (Scientific Institute for Bioelectromagnetics and New Biology BION – Ljubljana). Thanks to the excellent test results, a CERTIFICATE OF POSITIVE ENERGY INFLUENCE ON HUMAN HEALTH, WHICH IS VALID IN SCIENTIFIC AND MEDICAL CIRCLES, was obtained. He also has a dozen top certificates, awards and gold medals from innovation fairs in Brussels, Nuremberg, Zagreb, Poland, France and Macedonia.
POZITRON PLUS 20m – LIVING SPACE (LARGE OFFICE) is a high-quality, highly sophisticated NANO-TECH PRODUCT that helps protect your personal health, the health of your children, but also the health of each individual employee in the work team, which for employers represents MODERN PROTECTION AT WORK, which can significantly reduce the number of sick days of employees on an annual basis, and improve the business results of the entire work teams.
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